Friday, May 28, 2010

Plan to crush #1318

Goal: Get a new repeat tag working, the new repeat tag should incorporate jquery with the formentry module

Sub Goal:
1) Get new repeat tag display functioning
the general move is use jquery to clone and insert the new row of html control , to work this out,
we need to consider how to copy and insert all html controls with in a repeat tag

2)Get new repeat tag submit functioning
the module use a hashmap to store the {widget : htmlcontrol} name pair. The problem is when a new html controller has been generated by jquery/javascript, the module has no way to know about their existence.

The possible flow:

Form Creation
1) user edit a form, a tag

2)user submit/save/edit the form

Form Preview()
the html form is generated by createForm in formentrysession
we can handle the tag in line 247: applyTags function
The applyTagsHelper will do the job.
1) add a entry in the applicationContext.xml to relate with a handler
2)Create a new handler

the handler is used for generate required jquery/html for the newrepeat tag


< newrepeat >
< template >
< obs conceptid = "123" >
< /template >
< /newrepeat >

Output(Mode = view):

< script .... the javascript/jquery to clone and insert the template >
< span ... the template html generated based on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

< span ... 1 generated html on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

Form Enter
To handle new repeat tag enter(save), 2 things needs to be done:
1) mapping a repeated widget with a htmlid

input Original:

< newrepeat >
< template >
< obs conceptid = "123" >
< /template >
< /newrepeat >

input intermidate:

Output(Mode = edit):

< script .... the javascript/jquery to clone and insert the template >
< span any exsiting obs that are associated with this encounter >
< /span >
< span ... the template html generated based on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

< span ... 1 generated html on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

Output(Mode = input):

< script .... the javascript/jquery to clone and insert the template >
< span ... the template html generated based on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

< span ... 1 generated html on concept with id="123" >
< /span >

Saturday, May 22, 2010

HTML Widget Model, the work flow

1) HTML Widget flow

a) jsp parser encounter a custom tag in a jsp page, i.e. <>

b) trace back based on the tld <>, found the definition in

c) the tag class in the tld file will lead to

c1) WidgetTag class has properties named : name, object, property
this will populated by the attributes of the same name based on demonstration.jsp:
the known attributes are:
id="defaultField${p.key}" // represents the id of the input field
name="${p.key}" // represents the name of the input field
object="${demo}" // represents the object whose property are editing
property="${p.key}" // represents the name of the property/field to edit
// on the object

d) in WidgetTag, the actual widget type will be figured out by reflection, then associate the tag with a Taghandle class.

g) TagHandle itself is a abstract class,openmrs has a ulti method to match a subclass according to the actual type of the tag.
This method works like this:
it will call openmrs api to return a list of loaded spring beans.
if a bean has a annotation and matches the type. it should be returned

f) why handler classes are treated as beans?
In ApplicationContext-Service. we see a line
< package="org.openmrs"> < type="annotation" expression="org.openmrs.annotation.Handler">

... < /context:include-filter>

This line will let spring to include any class which has a @handler annotation and load them as beans into spring Context(finally figure it out, phew~~) when refreshing the context.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Resources for Spring MVC3

1) official doc 3.x

2) InfoQ doc 2.5

3) About 3.x REST style conversion

Summary May 17th

1) a machine for future demonstration

2) a simple application that using spring MVC3

Next, start learning jquery

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekly Summary May 04

Last week tasks:
1)Communicate with mentor.
2)Reading module source code
3)study the overview