Saturday, May 22, 2010

HTML Widget Model, the work flow

1) HTML Widget flow

a) jsp parser encounter a custom tag in a jsp page, i.e. <>

b) trace back based on the tld <>, found the definition in

c) the tag class in the tld file will lead to

c1) WidgetTag class has properties named : name, object, property
this will populated by the attributes of the same name based on demonstration.jsp:
the known attributes are:
id="defaultField${p.key}" // represents the id of the input field
name="${p.key}" // represents the name of the input field
object="${demo}" // represents the object whose property are editing
property="${p.key}" // represents the name of the property/field to edit
// on the object

d) in WidgetTag, the actual widget type will be figured out by reflection, then associate the tag with a Taghandle class.

g) TagHandle itself is a abstract class,openmrs has a ulti method to match a subclass according to the actual type of the tag.
This method works like this:
it will call openmrs api to return a list of loaded spring beans.
if a bean has a annotation and matches the type. it should be returned

f) why handler classes are treated as beans?
In ApplicationContext-Service. we see a line
< package="org.openmrs"> < type="annotation" expression="org.openmrs.annotation.Handler">

... < /context:include-filter>

This line will let spring to include any class which has a @handler annotation and load them as beans into spring Context(finally figure it out, phew~~) when refreshing the context.

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